Municipal Election 2023 - Running for Re-election
Tomorrow morning marks the opening of the Dover municipal election filing period. This moment brings me to think back to nearly six years ago in 2017 when I first made the decision to put my name forward and run for office. It was a moment of excitement and nerves as I sought to serve my community in a new way. This year, I will put my name forward on the ballot and ask the residents of Dover to put their trust in me once again to represent you all as an At-large member of City Council.
Although I have said it before, it has been an honor, a privilege, and a challenge to serve in this role for the past six years. I am so proud of the efforts Council has undertaken over the past few years to work more collaboratively with the School Board, move Dover forward as a leader in management of our environment and natural resources, and support a growing and thriving small business community here. While I am proud of those efforts, I hope to earn your support to continue to serve as one of the two At Large members of City Council as I feel there is more I can do over the next two years to bring your voices into Council decisions.
I hope to continue representing the voices of young families in our community, help our City continue on is path towards sustainability and resilience, and providing opportunities for all our residents. I pledge to continue bringing attention to the issues members of our community have raised with me time and again - economy, education, environment, and equity. While we may not always agree, I am committed to continuing to listen and learn from all our residents to build a future for everyone in our city.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or if there are topics you’d like to discuss ( or 603-534-2119).
If you’d like to get more involved, here are some ways you can help:
If you’re not already registered to vote, head on down to City Hall soon! While you can always register same day, it’s easier to take care of that beforehand.
Help get the word out! Share this message with your friends, put up a yard sign, or volunteer to distribute postcards. Every little bit helps!
Donate to the campaign to help offset the costs of materials.
And most of all, mark your calendar to Vote on Nov. 7!