Interested in Getting Involved? Several Committee Openings in Dover

There are several open opportunities to serve on Boards and Commissions in Dover, including two new ad hoc Committees (details below).  Please share widely with others you think might be interested. 

This week Dover City Council passed a resolution forming a new ad hoc committee to explore options to address funding needs for stormwater and flood resilience into the future. The charge to the committee will be to "investigate, study, and identify and make recommendations to the City Council concerning various funding opportunities that may exist with respect to existing needs and future stormwater and flood resilience management planning." The committee will be made up of members of the Dover community from a range of backgrounds (general interest, business owners, property owners, non-profits, etc). This will be a time-bound committee that will wrap up when the report is complete so if you have been thinking about getting involved in City Boards and Commissions but want to try something shorter term, this is a great opportunity.  The application form is available online.

We will also begin interviews shortly for the new ad hoc Committee for the Elimination of Racism. If you are interested and haven't yet submitted an application, please contact the City Clerk as soon as possible. More details are available here. There are also a few openings on other standing Boards and Commissions as well if you have other interests. If you have questions about applying or serving, please feel free to contact the City Clerk or any member of the Appointments Committee.

Thank you for your interest!

Lindsey Williams