Lindsey for Dover City Council
There are many issues that are important to ensuring that Dover has a robust and thriving future ahead. Among those issues, Lindsey is focused on four areas that align with what she has heard in the community and with her own expertise: Economy, Education, Environment and Equity. She also understands that there are a range of issues of importance to Dover’s residents and looks forward to hearing more from the community about the issues they feel are most important.
Economy - A robust local economy is essential to support important municipal services while also keeping costs manageable for the City and all residents.
Education - A strong education system is essential to the future of the City. We must maintain and strengthen our commitment to education at all levels. The children of our City need to be well prepared to contribute to our community and to others in the future. A product of the New Hampshire public school system herself, Lindsey has experienced first hand what it means to grow up in a community that values education and the contributions of the youngest citizens.
Environment - A clean and healthy environment provides the underpinning for a robust local economy. As Dover adapts to the changing economic drivers and demographics of the state and region, ensuring the continued quality of our local environment will be key for the health and well-being of all residents, visitors, and businesses.
Equity - All our residents must feel safe and welcomed in our community so that we can build strong bridges and connections across differences. As Dover continues to grow, building a focus on equity into our thinking is key to building a strong, resilient, and vibrant economy and community.
Lindsey also wants to hear what issues are important to you. Please call (603-534-2119), email (