Budget Deliberations - 2022 Edition
I want to take a minute to thank everyone who has taken the time to send an email, call, or come to Council meetings to share their input on the budget.
Each year the budget process here in Dover is a chance for members of this community to consider where we want Dover to go in the future.
I take very seriously my role in City Council to listen to all input and weigh carefully the requests of each Department. This includes not passing judgment on the outcome of the process before it's complete or making assumptions about the motivations of members of our community or fellow elected officials.
While I've said many times that I believe that the tax cap is an unnecessarily blunt tool that does not lead to productive budget conversations, that does not mean I believe there should be no constraints on spending. I believe each Department should be carefully reviewed to consider what the needs for the coming year will be and how we can best meet them.
Across the board, everyone is facing rising fuel, healthcare, and other costs. This makes budgeting challenging as both members of our community and Departments face reduced buying power even with the requested increases each has put forward. I am encouraged by the efforts of staff across all City and School Departments to seek out grants, loan forgiveness, and other mechanisms to reduce the burden on local property taxes while still meeting the growing list of demands for services and requirements from State and Federal laws.
For me, it's not about whether or not the final budget is above or below the tax cap, it's about what each Department needs and what our community can afford. I keep those both in mind as I review all that is in front of us. Budgets are policy documents. Where we choose to invest speaks volumes.
I believe that all Department heads and the Superintendent and City Manager are working diligently to look for savings and use resources wisely. It's their job to advocate for resources for what they think is needed. And it's our job as Councilors to weigh carefully all the information we receive and the input from our community to make the best decisions we can.
I know many folks have written in and I have not had a chance to respond to all of them. Know that I am reading your input and will do my best to get back to you all.
These are hard conversations, but we can do this in a civil manner and work to come to a solution that balances the many needs of our community.