Earth Day at 50

Today marks the 50th anniversary / celebration of Earth Day. It is a time to reflect on our relationship with the environment and to thank those who have worked (and continue to work) so tirelessly to keep our environment healthy.

While the issues before us today might be different than the 1960s and 1970s, what has threaded across all those years is the fact that we all rely on a healthy planet and the planet relies on us to not further degrade it.

The legacy of the National Environmental Protection Act, the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act and so many other pieces of legislation is part of what we each carry with us when we go for a walk, take a swim, or even flush our toilets. These are an important piece of our history and we must not forget that while the challenges might look different, we have the skills and the will to make individual and systemic changes that will benefit us and generations to come. Thank you to all those out picking up trash, planting seeds, choosing less wasteful options, or just appreciating nature. There is no planet B and it's up to us.

#earthday #earthdayat50 #noplanetB #DoverFirst

“The Blue Marble” (first full image of Earth from space, taken in 1972).

“The Blue Marble” (first full image of Earth from space, taken in 1972).

Lindsey Williams